“The Morning Water” 1/1 Linocut 17”h x 31.5”w $1100.
I use the horizon as an anchor that appears in my images to mark a constant, an anchor in the flow of the ever-changing landscape
“The Afternoon Water “ 1/1 Linocut 17”h x 31.5”w $1100.
“NightWater” 1/1 Linocut 18”h x 32”w $900.
“Summer Horizon” 3/6, 4/6 Intaglio 22”h x 11”w $600.
“Winter Horizon” 2/6 Intaglio 22”h x 11”w $600.
“Morning Horizon” 2/6,3/6 Intaglio 22”h x 11”w $600.
“Lake Horizon” 2/6,3/6 Intaglio & Collograph 12”h x 35.5”w $900.
“Still Horizon” Intaglio 12”h x 35.5”w $900. SOLD
“Passing Clouds” 2/6, 3/6 Intaglio 26”h x 18”w $550.
“Dark Clouds” 2/6,3/6 Intaglio 26”h x 18”w $550.
“Time of Day” Collograph 36”h x 90”w $1500. SOLD
“Sunrise Horizon” Intaglio 22”h x 26”w $650. SOLD
“Dark Sky” Wood Intaglio & Collograph 39”h x 28”w $900. SOLD
“Sunrise 2” 1/2 Wood Intaglio 39”h x 28”w $900.
“Flight Formation” 2/4, 3/4 Linocut 12”h x 36”w $600.
“Flight Leaving” 2/4 Linocut 12”h x 36”w $600.
“Open Spaces” Intaglio & Collograph 32”h x 28”w $1000. SOLD
“Open Spaces ” 5/6 Intaglio & Collograph 32”h x 28”w $1000.
“Open Spaces ” 6/6 Intaglio & Collograph 32”h x 28”w $1000.
“Red Horizon” Intaglio 14”h x 12”w $450. SOLD